We are so proud to announce that Long Realty Cares Foundation’s 8th annual Ticket to Care Raffle brought in over $41,000 this year – surpassing our goal of $35,000 and breaking all previous records! The most exciting part is that 100% of the funds raised from the raffle will be donated to local programs that are improving our community.

The reception and drawing for the winners on October 22 at La Paloma was a blast! Everyone was so generous and supportive, and when the matching-gift opportunity from Long Companies was announced, the funds came pouring in! Because of your support, we raised just over $3,000 that night – and Long Companies matched it!

Thanks to everyone for coming out and enjoying such a wonderful evening, and for supporting Long Realty Cares Foundation. Check out our list of winners here:


And don’t miss the photos from the event!
